National Intelligence Achievement Medal

The National Intelligence Achievement Medal (NIAM) is a decoration of the United States Intelligence Community (IC) awarded by the National Intelligence Awards (NIA) Program led by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

According to the Intelligence Community Directive No. 655,[1][2][3][4] the medal that recognizes a single exceptional contribution to the IC and the United States by an individual or group of individuals. The medal is considered junior to the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal and is on the same order but different criteria from the National Intelligence Career Achievement Medal and the National Intelligence Reform Medal.

Due to the large number of U.S. military personnel who perform duties under the authority of the National Intelligence Agency, the National Intelligence Achievement Medal is an authorized decoration for display on U.S. military uniforms. In such cases, the National Intelligence Achievement Medal is worn after all U.S. military personal decorations and unit awards and before any military campaign/service awards and foreign decorations.

National Intelligence Community Awards
National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal
Intelligence Community Medal for Valor
National Intelligence Career Achievement Medal (NICAM)
National Intelligence Reform Medal (NIRM)
National Intelligence Achievement Medal (NIAM)
Director of National Intelligence Award for Collaborative Leadership (DNIACL)
National Intelligence Community Equal Opportunity and Diversity Award (NICEEODA)
Intelligence Community EEO and Diversity Exemplary Leadership Award
Intelligence Community EEO and Diversity Outstanding Achievement Award
National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Commendation (NIMUC)
National Intelligence Medallion (NIM)
National Intelligence Certificate of Distinction (NICD)
National Intelligence Special Act or Service Award (NISASA)
Galileo Award

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ Intelligence Community Directive 655: National Intelligence Awards Program, dated 2007
  3. ^ Director of Central Intelligence Directive 7/1, Intelligence Community Awards (superseded by Intelligence Community Directive 655